Oct 07
Halloween Archives
Sprinklers under the trampoline, bike rides to the corner store, road trips in our van, playing 'pickle' in the street on summer nights...staples of my childhood. And not to be forgotten, each and every Monday we had 'family night', where we spent the evening together--my mom, dad, and five of us kids. Each year, the most highly anticipated Monday family night would be the one in July/August where we brainstormed and voted on what would be our family's Halloween theme for the year. My mom needed lots of time to prepare all 7 of our costumes--it was quite the production.
So while this has nothing to do with baby hoodies or toddler style, the Bonham family Halloween archive is too good, too hilarious not to share!
Aladdin 1993
(ME as Abu, Jasmine, Genie, Aladdin, Iago, Jafar & my baby sister as the Flying Carpet)
Star Wars 1995
(Darth Vadar, Obi Won, C-3PO, Luke, Leia, ME as Yoda, and R2-D2)
Mimes 1997
(My mom had it easy this year.)
Renaissance family 1998
(I am the knight in a sweatsuit)
Star Trek 1998
(I don't actually know all of these characters' names, but I'm the little girl in the bald wig. Ha!)
Chess Pieces 2000
(I'm the pawn, covered in paper mache. This year is maybe the funniest-- my brother as the chess board!)
Harry Potter 2002
(get it? I'm the "Fat Lady" portrait)
Hercules 2012
(My husband even got to be included this year as Hercules himself // My mom's face paint + wig couldn't be funnier!)
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